Philanthropist Praises Recipient of Richard Lublin Teaching Award Urges More Endowed Teaching Schola

Photo Caption: Dr. Deborah Reisinger, Duke University’s Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor of the Practice of Romance Studies, was the 33rd recipient of the Richard Lublin Teaching Award.
Avon, CT & Naples, FL: November 12, 2019 — Duke alumnus and philanthropist Richard Lublin, a resident of Naples, FL and formerly Avon, CT today congratulated Dr. Deborah Reisinger, Duke University’s Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor of the Practice of Romance Studies, for being chosen to receive the Richard Lublin Teaching Award for 2019. Reisinger is the 33rd recipient of the Lublin teaching scholarship, since it was first awarded to two winners in 1993.
Lublin also encouraged other philanthropists to endow additional teaching awards at colleges and universities across the country.
“Recognizing teaching excellence has a ripple effect that benefits many beyond the one receiving the award,” said Lublin. “An endowed teaching scholarship is a meaningful way for a college or university to recognize its most dedicated professors and their deep commitment to teaching excellence. It can be the catalyst for a standout college professor like Dr. Reisinger to develop new ways to teach the next generation of students.” Lublin added, “I hope those who have the means, will step up and endow a teaching award at an educational institution that is close to their heart.”
Colleagues describe Dr. Reisinger’s “constant innovation and commitment to social engagement,” noting that she brings together the core values of the university in her vision, experimentation, and interdisciplinary approach to language and cultural studies.
“Teaching is what I love to do most,” said Reisinger. “Duke has been a good place to be innovative, especially around languages and cultures, and to have that recognized was personally very meaningful.”
The award allowed Reisinger to further her work on a text book for students studying French at the advanced levels who want to bridge their study of the language with the professional fields they are pursuing, such as global health or international development. Reisinger also noted the broader value of an endowed teaching award is that it encourages a conversation around teaching, since they are faculty-nominated awards.
“The award promotes a conversation on campus about excellence and innovation in teaching, giving it its proper due,” said Reisinger. “We are a Research 1 institution, but we also boast phenomenal educators, and this is a way to recognize the importance of the work we’re doing in the classroom with our students.”
The Richard K. Lublin Award is one of four endowed distinguished teaching awards presented annually within the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences at Duke University. Lublin established the award in 1993 to recognize undergraduate teaching excellence in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences at Duke University. The winner receives $5,000 and is recognized during an Arts & Sciences Awards ceremony.